A Room of One's Own
Three years ago, I had the opportunity to design and build a home from scratch. My small cottage is my sanctuary. It reflects my personality and style, nurtures my creativity and fulfills my needs for a functional, minimalistic space. Creating this home was an absolute indulgence, because I only needed to please myself.
If you share your home with a spouse or significant other, children, a sibling or other family member, and/or a roommate or two, there is always a need to compromise between varying tastes and requirements in a home. Maybe your living room has become the playroom to accommodate a growing family, or you’ve adapted your kitchen for the needs of an elderly relative. If you feel you’ve had to compromise to the point where your home is no longer a reflection of you, all is not lost.
You can carve out a special space just for you. As per Virginia Woolf’s 1929 essay, we all need A Room of One's Own. Although Woolf was talking about women writers, I believe this is equally true for men, and not just for writers. We are all creative, and creativity needs a room of one’s own to flourish.
If you don’t have the ability to make your entire house into your personal sanctuary, claim one room, one corner of a room, a she-shed or even a quiet spot in the garden as yours. Make this place your sacred space. One that nurtures and calms your soul and is a genuine reflection of you.

Bring in your favorite colors
Maybe you love purple or lime green. You might not want to decorate your whole house in these colors, but in your private space you can go crazy. Paint an accent wall or add accessories in your favorite colors.
Indulge your senses
What brings you pleasure? Tap into your other senses in addition to sight. What do you love to touch, taste, smell and listen to? Indulge your sense of the touch with velvety pillows, your sense of smell with Gardenia-scented candles, and your sense of taste with a box of your favorite chocolates. Play the music you love. Be nostalgic and buy a record player so you can listen to those treasured LPs.

Renew your body, mind and spirit
Your home, or at minimum the special room or corner you create for yourself is a sacred space. One that revitalizes you in body, mind and spirit. Include a chair that supports your back, lighting that illuminates the book you are reading, a mediation pillow to support your spiritual growth.
Whether you live alone, with a large family or something in between, you deserve a home that supports you in every way. Take one small step today to create your sacred space.
As always, I welcome your comments and stories of your own experiences. Do you have a room of your own?