
Mindful Living at Home
BEH featured in Apartment Guide's blog on Mindful Living at Home: 13 Little Ways to Stay Intentional. [READ MORE]

Am I a Fake Minimalist?
Or have I simply discovered how to make minimalism work for my lifestyle? You can too! [READ MORE]

Practice Mindful Minimalism
Discover the secret to creating and maintaining a more minimalist lifestyle. [READ MORE]

Creating European-Inspired Mindful Moments
Four ways to incorporate magical moments from our travels into our everyday lives. [READ MORE]

Ten Mindful Tips for Quick Renewal
Here's ten ways to find mindful moments to center ourselves, awaken our senses, and reconnect to our inner joy. [Read More]

Five Ways to Renew Your Life with Gratitude
Research has proven that expressing gratitude can make us feel better both physically and emotionally. But did you know...[Read More]