
Your Home is a Source of Joy
While it may not be perfect, appreciate and take pleasure in your home each and every day. [READ MORE]

When Someone Says, “You Can’t Do That.”
Don't take it to heart. Believe in your dream and make it happen. [READ MORE]

Are You a Late Bloomer?
I know I am. But take heart. There are advantages to blooming later in life. [READ MORE]

A Room of One's Own
No matter how many people we share our home with, everyone needs a private place to nurture their spirit. [READ MORE]

Ten Mindful Tips for Quick Renewal
Here's ten ways to find mindful moments to center ourselves, awaken our senses, and reconnect to our inner joy. [Read More]

Home as Nourishment
Nourishment is defined as “the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition." [Read More]

Five Ways to Renew Your Life with Gratitude
Research has proven that expressing gratitude can make us feel better both physically and emotionally. But did you know...[Read More]