
The Upside to Downsizing Sooner Than Later
Start to downsize your home today. Purge, clear clutter and simplify your life. [READ MORE]

Could Your Next Home be an ADU?
If you want to downsize and stay in your neighborhood, building an accessory dwelling unit could be the answer. [READ MORE]

Try a Minimalist Lifestyle…Without the Commitment
Three ways to test out a minimalistic life, and see if it’s right for you. [READ MORE]

Confessions of a Recovering Pack Rat
Can a lifelong accumulator learn to be a minimalist? [READ MORE]

Tiny House vs. Small House
Tiny houses are cute, but are they the future of sustainable housing or should we just build smaller houses? [READ MORE]

Why Purpose is a Powerful Motivator for Purging
What do you want to achieve by downsizing? More time, more freedom? [READ MORE]

Why I Stopped Wearing Black
How I went from a 75 percent black wardrobe to a capsule wardrobe of flattering clothes I actually wear. [READ MORE]

Why Secondhand Clothes?
Many of my favorite pieces were found at thrift shops . Explore the sustainable benefits of buying secondhand. [READ MORE]

Two Plus Years and I Haven't Gone Crazy Yet — Lessons Learned from Living Small
Here's what I've learn from two years of living in a small house. [READ MORE]

Keep, Sell or Give Away
When we downsize, declutter and purge, we’re faced with three key decisions. Should I keep it, sell it or give it away? [Read More]

Four Advantages of Living in a Smaller Home
For years I dreamed about the simplicity of living in a small cottage. It seemed so romantic, comfortable and easy. [Read More]