
Why My Favorite Color is Pink!
From baby blush to Barbie Dream House pink, this color is surprisingly versatile. [READ MORE]

How to Create a Cozy, Hygge Home
Add those special touches to every room to create a warm, relaxed and welcoming feel. [READ MORE]

Create a Rustic & Romantic Bathroom
One of my favorite décor styles is the pairing of soft, feminine fabrics and furniture with distressed and primitive items. [READ MORE]

Creative Storage for Small Spaces
Living in a small house? When it comes to storage, it's time to think outside the box and put those boxes to use. [READ MORE]

Two Plus Years and I Haven't Gone Crazy Yet — Lessons Learned from Living Small
Here's what I've learn from two years of living in a small house. [READ MORE]

Four Advantages of Living in a Smaller Home
For years I dreamed about the simplicity of living in a small cottage. It seemed so romantic, comfortable and easy. [Read More]

Five Ways to Make a Small House Look Larger
My full-time home is a one-bedroom 700 sq. ft. ADU. It has everything I need in a compact space and yet it doesn’t feel small. [Read More]