
Slow Travel Solo
Traveling solo this week in the Seattle area has reminded me of how fun it is to venture out on your own. [READ MORE]

The Cure for International Travel Withdrawal
A year and a half into the pandemic and I don't see myself on a plane. [READ MORE]

Do This at the End of Every Trip
Discover the secret of packing light. Do this one thing at the end of every trip and you'll never over pack again. [Read More]

Before You Book an Airbnb in Europe, Ask These Critical Questions
Here's part-two to help you navigate your airbnb search and find just the right accommodation to meet your needs. [Read More]

Slow Travel Tip: Spend Time Wandering
One of the great advantages of slow travel is the gift of time — time to wander and even get a little lost. [Read More]

Critical Questions to Ask Before You Book an Airbnb in Europe
When it comes to finding a place to stay in Europe, is a terrific resource. Not only does it offer the best prices... [Read More]

The Art of Slow Travel
Slow Travel is just what it sounds like, slowing down to experience each moment of your adventure in a mindful way. [Read More]